Q fever

Q fever, caused by <i>Coxiella burnetii</i>, is a bacterial zoonosis with a wide clinical spectrum that can be life-threatening and, in some cases, can become chronic.


Inflammation of the meninges.

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MALE Adult
Central nervous system manifestations of Q fever responsive to steroids.
Skiba V, Barner KC.
Mil Med. 2009;174(8):857-9.
In addition to well-described meningitis and encephalitis, Q fever may also be associated with diffuse CNS lesions that may be demyelinating inflammatory in pathophysiology, and therefore responsive to high-dose steroids.
Clinical and laboratory features of murine typhus in central Tunisia: a report of seven cases.
Letaief AO, Kaabia N, Chakroun M, Khalifa M, Bouzouaia N, Jemni L.
Int J Infect Dis. 2005;9(6):331-4.
Before the results of serology, clinical diagnoses were Mediterranean Spotted Fever (four cases), Q fever (one case), pneumonia (one case), and lymphocytic meningitis (one case).
[Meningo encephalitis revealing Q fever: two cases and a review of the literature].
Castelnovo G, Sotto A, Bouly S, Vladut M, Janbon F, Labauge P.
Rev Neurol (Paris). 2002;158(1):77-80.
Neurological symptoms of acute Q fever consist of meningitis or meningo-encephalitis.
MALE Adult
Lymphocytic meningitis as the sole manifestation of Q fever.
Schattner A, Kushnir M, Zhornicky T, Fenakel G.
Postgrad Med J. 1993;69(814):636-7.
Lymphocytic meningitis as the sole manifestation of Q fever.
MALE Adult
Lymphocytic meningitis as the sole manifestation of Q fever.
Schattner A, Kushnir M, Zhornicky T, Fenakel G.
Postgrad Med J. 1993;69(814):636-7.
Thus, Q fever can present as lymphocytic (aseptic) meningitis responsive to tetracycline with no evidence of pulmonary involvement.
Q fever meningoencephalitis in five patients.
Drancourt M, Raoult D, Xeridat B, Milandre L, Nesri M, Dano P.
Eur J Epidemiol. 1991;7(2):134-8.
Q fever should be considered as a possible etiology of meningitis in endemic areas, and diagnosis should be confirmed by serology.