Q fever

Q fever, caused by <i>Coxiella burnetii</i>, is a bacterial zoonosis with a wide clinical spectrum that can be life-threatening and, in some cases, can become chronic.


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Psoas abscess and chronic Q fever: a contiguous or hematogenous complication? A case report and literature review.
Galy A, Decousser JW, El-Anbassi S, Nebbad B, Belzunce C, Cochennec F, Deforges L, Lepeule R.
Infect Dis (Lond). 2016;48(8):626-31.
Psoas abscess and chronic Q fever: a contiguous or hematogenous complication?
MALE Middle Aged
Rapid molecular diagnosis of infective aortic valve endocarditis caused by Coxiella burnetii.
Kumpf O, Dohmen P, Ertmer M, Knebel F, Wiessner A, Kikhney J, Moter A, Treskatsch S.
Infection. 2016;44(6):813-817.
We describe a case of Q-fever endocarditis with severe destruction of the aortic valve with perivalvular abscess formation and cardiac failure.
Iliopsoas abscess associated with endovascular infection: an acute case of chronic Q fever.
Barten DG, Gulikers DE, Versteegen MG, Thimister WP, de Mast Q, Bleeker-Rovers CP.
Am J Emerg Med. 2015;33(6):862.e1-3.
Iliopsoas abscess associated with endovascular infection: an acute case of chronic Q fever.
MALE Middle Aged
Polymicrobial Q Fever and enterococcal aortic prosthetic valve endocarditis with aortic root abscess.
Yahav D, Kuznitz I, Reisfeld S, Eliakim-Raz N, Bishara J.
Vector Borne Zoonotic Dis. 2015;15(5):326-8.
Polymicrobial Q Fever and enterococcal aortic prosthetic valve endocarditis with aortic root abscess.
MALE Middle Aged
Two rare manifestations of Q fever: splenic and hepatic abscesses and cerebral venous thrombosis, with literature review ma non troppo.
Gomes MM, Chaves A, Gouveia A, Santos L.
BMJ Case Rep. 2014;2014:.
Serologies to C burnetii were positive (1: 640), leading to the diagnosis of Q fever with splenic and hepatic abscesses.
MALE Middle Aged
Two rare manifestations of Q fever: splenic and hepatic abscesses and cerebral venous thrombosis, with literature review ma non troppo.
Gomes MM, Chaves A, Gouveia A, Santos L.
BMJ Case Rep. 2014;2014:.
Two rare manifestations of Q fever: splenic and hepatic abscesses and cerebral venous thrombosis, with literature review ma non troppo.
Q fever as a cause of recurrent soft-tissue nodules and abscesses in a child.
Cohn A, Prebble J, Robson J, Nourse C.
Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2012;31(5):525-7.
Q fever as a cause of recurrent soft-tissue nodules and abscesses in a child.
Q fever osteoarticular infection: four new cases and a review of the literature.
Landais C, Fenollar F, Constantin A, Cazorla C, Guilyardi C, Lepidi H, Stein A, Rolain JM, Raoult D.
Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis. 2007;26(5):341-7.
Reported here are four cases of Q fever osteoarticular infections in adults: two cases of Q fever tenosynovitis, which represent the first two reports of this infection, and two cases of Q fever spondylodiscitis complicated by paravertebral abscess.
Q fever osteoarticular infection: four new cases and a review of the literature.
Landais C, Fenollar F, Constantin A, Cazorla C, Guilyardi C, Lepidi H, Stein A, Rolain JM, Raoult D.
Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis. 2007;26(5):341-7.
Reported here are four cases of Q fever osteoarticular infections in adults: two cases of Q fever tenosynovitis, which represent the first two reports of this infection, and two cases of Q fever spondylodiscitis complicated by paravertebral abscess.
Q fever osteoarticular infection: four new cases and a review of the literature.
Landais C, Fenollar F, Constantin A, Cazorla C, Guilyardi C, Lepidi H, Stein A, Rolain JM, Raoult D.
Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis. 2007;26(5):341-7.
Reported here are four cases of Q fever osteoarticular infections in adults: two cases of Q fever tenosynovitis, which represent the first two reports of this infection, and two cases of Q fever spondylodiscitis complicated by paravertebral abscess.
MALE Middle Aged
[Splenic abscess caused by Coxiella burnetti in the absence of endocarditis].
Cathebras P, Brouqui P, Philippe P, Raoult D, Rousset H.
Rev Med Interne. 1998;19(10):740-2.
We report a documented case of chronic Q fever that occurred in a 47-year-old immunocompetent man and was associated with spleen abscess, in the absence of detectable endocarditis.
MALE Adult
Extensive aortic valve ring abscess formation: a rare complication of Q fever endocarditis.
Fort S, Fraser AG, Fox KA.
Postgrad Med J. 1989;65(764):384-6.
Extensive aortic valve ring abscess formation: a rare complication of Q fever endocarditis.
MALE Adult
Extensive aortic valve ring abscess formation: a rare complication of Q fever endocarditis.
Fort S, Fraser AG, Fox KA.
Postgrad Med J. 1989;65(764):384-6.
We report the successful management and 2 year follow up of a young patient with Q fever endocarditis on a congenitally bicuspid aortic valve complicated by extensive abscess formation in the aortic valve ring and interventricular septum.
MALE Adult
Extensive aortic valve ring abscess formation: a rare complication of Q fever endocarditis.
Fort S, Fraser AG, Fox KA.
Postgrad Med J. 1989;65(764):384-6.
Aortic root abscess formation complicating Q fever endocarditis has been reported in only one previous patient.