Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

A neurodegenerative disease characterized by progressive muscular paralysis reflecting degeneration of motor neurons in the primary motor cortex, corticospinal tracts, brainstem and spinal cord.

Tongue fasciculations

Fasciculations or fibrillation affecting the tongue muscle.

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FEMALE Middle Aged
An unusual subacute progressive motor neuronopathy with myasthenia-like features.
Noseworthy JH, Rae-Grant AD, Brown WF.
Can J Neurol Sci. 1988;15(3):304-9.
The subsequent development of tongue fasciculations and the lack of response to treatment made a diagnosis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) more likely despite the presence of conjugate gaze paresis and the absence of many of the typical clinical and electromyographic (EMG) findings seen in this condition.