Sotos syndrome

Sotos syndrome is a rare multisystemic genetic disorder characterized by a typical facial appearance, overgrowth of the body in early life with macrocephaly, and mild to severe intellectual disability.


An abnormality of skull shape characterized by a increased anterior-posterior diameter, i.e., an increased antero-posterior dimension of the skull. Cephalic index less than 76%. Alternatively, an apparently increased antero-posterior length of the head compared to width. Often due to premature closure of the sagittal suture.

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A case of Sotos syndrome treated with distraction osteogenesis in maxilla and mandible.
Takano M, Kasahara K, Ogawa C, Katada H, Sueishi K.
Bull Tokyo Dent Coll. 2012;53(2):75-82.
Sotos syndrome is inherited in an autosomal-dominant manner and is characterized by increased birth weight, excessive growth, advanced bone age, and distinctive facial features, including dolichocephaly, hypertelorism, and a prominent mandible.
MALE Child
Sotos syndrome with hypodontia.
Callanan AP, Anand P, Sheehy EC.
Int J Paediatr Dent. 2006;16(2):143-6.
Sotos syndrome, or cerebral gigantism, is a rare genetic condition characterized by tall stature, gigantism, dolichocephaly, advanced bone age and learning disability.