Sotos syndrome

Sotos syndrome is a rare multisystemic genetic disorder characterized by a typical facial appearance, overgrowth of the body in early life with macrocephaly, and mild to severe intellectual disability.


An organ or organ-system abnormality that consists of uncontrolled autonomous cell-proliferation which can occur in any part of the body as a benign or malignant neoplasm (tumour).

合計: 3


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Hepatoblastoma in a patient with sotos syndrome.
Kato M, Takita J, Takahashi K, Mimaki M, Chen Y, Koh K, Ida K, Oka A, Mizuguchi M, Ogawa S, Igarashi T.
J Pediatr. 2009;155(6):937-9.
We report a case of hepatoblastoma that developed in a child with Sotos syndrome, an overgrowth syndrome with an increased risk of neoplasms.
Lymphoproliferative disorders in Sotos syndrome: observation of two cases.
Corsello G, Giuffre M, Carcione A, Cuzto ML, Piccione M, Ziino O.
Am J Med Genet. 1996;64(4):588-93.
Sotos syndrome is included among the overgrowth disorders, most of which have an increased risk of neoplasms.
Cerebral gigantism associated with Wilms' tumor.
Maldonado V, Gaynon PS, Poznanski AK.
Am J Dis Child. 1984;138(5):486-8.
An increased incidence of neoplasms has been reported in cerebral gigantism, as well as in Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome.