Sotos syndrome

Sotos syndrome is a rare multisystemic genetic disorder characterized by a typical facial appearance, overgrowth of the body in early life with macrocephaly, and mild to severe intellectual disability.

Cervical instability

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Cervical instability in Sotos syndrome: a case report.
Carlo W, Dormans JP.
Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2004;29(7):E153-6.
A case report detailing the evaluation and treatment of a cervical instability in a 3-year-old with Sotos syndrome.
Cervical instability in Sotos syndrome: a case report.
Carlo W, Dormans JP.
Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2004;29(7):E153-6.
We outline a possible connection between Sotos syndrome and cervical instability, which may be associated with the unique features of this syndrome including ligamentous laxity or macrosomia and/or with unrecognized injury.
Cervical instability in Sotos syndrome: a case report.
Carlo W, Dormans JP.
Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2004;29(7):E153-6.
Cervical instability in Sotos syndrome: a case report.