Hereditary spherocytosis

Hereditary spherocytosis is a congenital hemolytic anemia with a wide clinical spectrum (from symptom-free carriers to severe hemolysis) characterized by anemia, variable jaundice, splenomegaly and cholelithiasis.


Purpura (from Latin: purpura, meaning \"purple\") is the appearance of red or purple discolorations on the skin that do not blanch on applying pressure. They are caused by bleeding underneath the skin. This term refers to an abnormally increased susceptibility to developing purpura. Purpura are larger than petechiae.

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Circulatory control of splenic hyperfunction in children with peripheral blood dyscrasia.
Witte CL, Corrigan JJ Jr, Witte MH, Van Wyck DB, O'Mara RE, Woolfenden JM.
Surg Gynecol Obstet. 1980;150(1):75-80.
While this procedure initially improved the peripheral blood values in five patients--two patients with hereditary spherocytosis, one patient with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, one patient with pyruvate-kinase hemolytic anemia and one patient with posthepatitic cirrhosis and splenomegaly--the hematologic derangement gradually recurred in four, necessitating eventual splenectomy in two.