Hereditary spherocytosis

Hereditary spherocytosis is a congenital hemolytic anemia with a wide clinical spectrum (from symptom-free carriers to severe hemolysis) characterized by anemia, variable jaundice, splenomegaly and cholelithiasis.


Increased numbers of platelets in the peripheral blood.

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Giant right ventricular outflow tract thrombus in hereditary spherocytosis: a case report.
Davidsen C, Larsen TH, Gerdts E, Lonnebakken MT.
Thromb J. 2016;14:9.
A 28year-old smoking women who had previously undergone splenectomy due to hereditary spherocytosis with a moderate thrombocytosis (platelet count 553-635*10(9)/L), presented with recurrent episodes of pulmonary embolisms.
MALE Adult
Hereditary spherocytosis, thrombocytosis, and chronic pulmonary emboli: a case report and review of the literature.
Hayag-Barin JE, Smith RE, Tucker FC Jr.
Am J Hematol. 1998;57(1):82-4.
Hereditary spherocytosis, thrombocytosis, and chronic pulmonary emboli: a case report and review of the literature.