
An inherited hemoglobinopathy characterized by impaired synthesis of alpha-globin chains leading to a variable clinical picture depending on the number of affected alleles.


Any noninflammatory disease of the retina. This nonspecific term is retained here because of its wide use in the literature, but if possible new annotations should indicate the precise type of retinal abnormality.

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A retinopathy in young patient with co-inheritance of heterozygous alpha + -thalassemia and sickle trait: a case report.
Ouzzif Z, El Maataoui A, Traore Z, Biaz A, El Machtani S, Dami A, Bouhsain S, Messaoudi N, Benchrifa F.
BMC Ophthalmol. 2017;17(1):6.
A retinopathy in a 16year-old child with no history of consanguinity in the parents revealed a sickle S trait associated to heterozygous alpha thalassemia.