
An inherited hemoglobinopathy characterized by impaired synthesis of alpha-globin chains leading to a variable clinical picture depending on the number of affected alleles.

Abnormal left ventricular function

Inability of the left ventricle to perform its normal physiologic function. Failure is either due to an inability to contract the left ventricle or the inability to relax completely and fill with blood during diastole.

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MALE Adult
Aortic valve replacement in a patient with alpha-thalassemia.
Omoto T, Tedoriya T, Kondo Y, Izuka H, Oi M, Nagano N, Miyauchi T, Ishikawa N, Kasegawa H.
Ann Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2010;16(5):365-6.
We present the case of a patient with alpha-thalassemia and severe aortic regurgitation with left ventricular dysfunction.