AL amyloidosis

A plasma cell disorder characterized by the aggregation and deposition of insoluble amyloid fibrils derived from misfolding of monoclonal immunoglobulin light chains usually produced by a plasma cell tumor. It usually presents as primary systemic amyloidosis (PSA) with multiple organ involvement and less frequently as primary localized amyloidosis (PLA) restricted to a single organ.


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FEMALE Middle Aged
Neuroarthropathy of the foot revealing primary systemic amyloidosis: case report and literature review.
Andrei IA, Kuntzer T, Lobrinus JA, Jaccard A, Zufferey P.
Clin Rheumatol. 2016;35(2):535-9.
We will emphasize the diagnostic pitfalls and discuss prognosis and treatments of both the peripheral neuropathy and the arthropathy related to AL amyloidosis.
FEMALE Middle Aged
Neuroarthropathy of the foot revealing primary systemic amyloidosis: case report and literature review.
Andrei IA, Kuntzer T, Lobrinus JA, Jaccard A, Zufferey P.
Clin Rheumatol. 2016;35(2):535-9.
Diagnosis of AL amyloidosis should be considered in the presence of a mild peripheral neuropathy and a distal destructive and painless arthropathy.
MALE Middle Aged
A case of femoral compressive neuropathy in AL amyloidosis.
Kang EH, Lee EB, Im CH, Kim JH, Park JJ, Lee JC, Kim SH, Song YW.
J Korean Med Sci. 2005;20(3):524-7.
Finally, he was diagnosed as having kappa-AL amyloidosis, complicated by femoral compressive neuropathy, hypertrophic amyloid myopathy, amyloid arthropathy, carpal tunnel syndrome, and end stage renal disease.
Amyloid arthropathy revealed by RS3PE syndrome.
Magy N, Michel F, Auge B, Toussirot E, Wendling D.
Joint Bone Spine. 2000;67(5):475-7.
Amyloid arthropathy is a form of primary AL amyloidosis with a monoclonal component in the blood and/or urine, and RS3PE syndrome is acute edematous polysynovitis in subjects older than 60 years.
FEMALE Middle Aged
Magnetic resonance imaging findings in primary amyloidosis-associated arthropathy.
Miyata M, Sato N, Watanabe H, Kumakawa H, Saito A, Funabashi H, Iwatsuki K, Hashimoto Y, Sato Y, Kasukawa R.
Intern Med. 2000;39(4):313-9.
The MRI findings of amyloid arthropathy associated with primary amyloidosis are presented here possibly for the first time in the literature.