AA amyloidosis

Secondary amyloidosis is a form of amyloidosis (see this term), that complicates chronic inflammatory disorders (mainly rheumatoid arthritis, see this term) and is characterized by the aggregation and deposition of amyloid fibrils composed of serum amyloid A protein, an acute phase reactant. Although spleen, suprarenal gland, liver and gut are frequent sites of amyloid deposition, the clinical picture is dominated by renal involvement.


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Variegate porphyria complicated by systemic AA amyloidosis: a case report.
Tsuchiya Y, Hoshino J, Suwabe T, Sumida K, Hiramatsu R, Mise K, Hasegawa E, Yamanouchi M, Hayami N, Sawa N, Arizono K, Hara S, Takaichi K, Fujii T, Ubara Y.
Amyloid. 2013;20(4):272-4.
Chronic inflammation related to this patient's seronegative arthropathy, although atypical for porphyria, might have contributed to the development of AA amyloidosis.
OTHER Middle Aged
[A case of psoriatic arthropathy complicated with HTLV-I carrier and secondary amyloidosis].
Kawakami K, Matsumoto H.
Ryumachi. 2003;43(4):672-7.
[A case of psoriatic arthropathy complicated with HTLV-I carrier and secondary amyloidosis].
OTHER Middle Aged
[A case of psoriatic arthropathy complicated with HTLV-I carrier and secondary amyloidosis].
Kawakami K, Matsumoto H.
Ryumachi. 2003;43(4):672-7.
We report a case of psoriatic arthropathy complicated with HTLV-I carrier and secondary amyloidosis.
OTHER Middle Aged
[A case of psoriatic arthropathy complicated with HTLV-I carrier and secondary amyloidosis].
Kawakami K, Matsumoto H.
Ryumachi. 2003;43(4):672-7.
This case is considered as a rare case of psoriatic arthropathy and HTLV-I carrier complicated with secondary amyloidosis in a relatively short period (approximately two years) after onset of psoriatic arthropathy.
OTHER Middle Aged
[A case of psoriatic arthropathy complicated with HTLV-I carrier and secondary amyloidosis].
Kawakami K, Matsumoto H.
Ryumachi. 2003;43(4):672-7.
This case is considered as a rare case of psoriatic arthropathy and HTLV-I carrier complicated with secondary amyloidosis in a relatively short period (approximately two years) after onset of psoriatic arthropathy.
Reversal of nephrotic syndrome due to AA amyloidosis in psoriatic patients on long-term colchicine treatment. Case report and review of the literature.
Kagan A, Husza'r M, Frumkin A, Rapoport J.
Nephron. 1999;82(4):348-53.
A case of nephrotic syndrome due to AA amyloidosis in a young woman suffering from erythrodermic psoriasis and psoriatic arthropathy is reported.
FEMALE Middle Aged
[Fatal generalized AA amyloidosis in mutilating psoriatic arthropathy].
Klunemann H, Schneider J, Linke RP, Stey C, Schroder S.
Pathologe. 1994;15(6):366-71.
[Fatal generalized AA amyloidosis in mutilating psoriatic arthropathy].
MALE Adult
Amyloidosis in Reiter's syndrome.
Miller LD, Brown EC Jr, Arnett FC.
J Rheumatol. 1979;6(2):225-31.
The patient represents the only case of clinically apparent secondary amyloidosis among 158 patients with HLA B27 associated arthropathies currently followed at our institution.