AA amyloidosis

Secondary amyloidosis is a form of amyloidosis (see this term), that complicates chronic inflammatory disorders (mainly rheumatoid arthritis, see this term) and is characterized by the aggregation and deposition of amyloid fibrils composed of serum amyloid A protein, an acute phase reactant. Although spleen, suprarenal gland, liver and gut are frequent sites of amyloid deposition, the clinical picture is dominated by renal involvement.

Heavy proteinuria

Severely increased levels of protein in the urine (1000-3000 mg per day in adults).

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Renal cell carcinoma presenting as AA amyloidosis: a case report and review of the literature.
Babu A, Lachmann H, Pickett T, Boddana P, Ludeman L.
CEN Case Rep. 2014;3(1):68-74.
He had heavy proteinuria with a serum albumin of 15g/L consistent with systemic AA amyloidosis.