Acute panmyelosis with myelofibrosis


Simultaneous enlargement of the liver and spleen.

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Idiopathic acquired sideroblastic anemia terminating in acute myelosclerosis.
Butler WM, Taylor HG, Viswanathan U.
Cancer. 1982;49(12):2497-9.
Acute myelosclerosis is an unusual myeloproliferative syndrome characterized by pancytopenia, absence of massive hepatosplenomegaly, and an absence of tear-drop poikilocytes.
MALE Middle Aged
Karyotypic polymorphism in acute myelofibrosis.
Shah I, Mayeda K, Koppitch F, Mahmood S, Nemitz B.
Blood. 1982;60(4):841-4.
Acute myelofibrosis (AMF) was diagnosed in a 59-yr-old black male in September 1978, on the basis of pancytopenia, lack of hepatosplenomegaly, fibrosis of the marrow, and paucity of teardrop red blood cells in the peripheral blood.