Desmoid tumor

A desmoid tumor (DT) is a benign, locally invasive soft tissue tumor associated with a high recurrence rate but with no metastatic potential.


Severe distention of the kidney with dilation of the renal pelvis and calices.

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An aggressive desmoid tumor in a patient with familial adenomatous polyposis: immunohistochemical findings.
Arai N, Mitomi H, Uesugi H, Aihara S, Ohtani Y, Okayasu I.
Am J Gastroenterol. 1999;94(2):530-2.
The lesion rapidlyenlarged with compression of adjacent structures including the ureter and small bowel, and the patient died because of small bowel perforation and hydronephrosis 3 years after detection of small desmoid tumors at the time of a prophylactic coloproctectomy for a colon carcinoma.