Desmoid tumor

A desmoid tumor (DT) is a benign, locally invasive soft tissue tumor associated with a high recurrence rate but with no metastatic potential.

Breast carcinoma

The presence of a carcinoma of the breast.

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FEMALE Middle Aged
Recurrent desmoid tumor arising from latissimus dorsi flap: A case report.
Canan A, Wang X.
Clin Imaging. 2019;53:191-194.
We report a case of recurrent desmoid tumor arising from latissimus dorsi flap after lumpectomy for breast carcinoma.
Fibromatosis of the breast mimicking an abscess: case report of unusual sonographic features.
Lee SM, Lee JY, Lee BH, Kim SY, Joo M, Kim JI.
Clin Imaging. 2015;39(4):685-8.
Fibromatosis of the breast, also known as a desmoid tumor, is extremely rare and most often appears as an aggressive lesion mimicking breast carcinoma.
High-grade soft tissue sarcoma arising in a desmoid tumor: case report and review of the literature.
Bertucci F, Faure M, Ghigna MR, Chetaille B, Guiramand J, Moureau-Zabotto L, Sarran A, Perrot D.
Clin Sarcoma Res. 2015;5:25.
Here we report on a 61-year-old patient who presented a locally advanced breast desmoid tumor diagnosed 20years after post-operative radiotherapy for breast carcinoma.
Desmoid tumor of the breast: the role of proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy for a benign breast lesion mimicking a malignancy.
Okamoto K, Kurihara Y, Imamura K, Kanemaki Y, Nakajima Y, Fukuda M, Maeda I.
Breast J. 2008;14(4):376-8.
We present a case of desmoid tumor of the breast that mimicked breast carcinoma, in which proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy assisted the result of biopsy, thus enabling a correct preoperative diagnosis.
Desmoid tumor of the breast: the role of proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy for a benign breast lesion mimicking a malignancy.
Okamoto K, Kurihara Y, Imamura K, Kanemaki Y, Nakajima Y, Fukuda M, Maeda I.
Breast J. 2008;14(4):376-8.
It is difficult to provide a correct preoperative diagnosis of desmoid tumor of the breast because of its tendency to mimic breast carcinoma on physical examination and conventional imaging such as mammography and sonography.
Using titanium plate or meshplate for chest wall reconstruction: report of 6 cases and literature review.
Luh SP, Lee YC, Lee JM, Lee CJ.
Artif Organs. 1996;20(12):1295-8.
Four of them suffered from primary chest wall tumors (2 desmoid tumors, a chondrosarcoma, and 1 hemangioma), one had a recurrent chest wall tumor from breast carcinoma, and one had thoracic hypoplasia.
Desmoid tumor occurring after reconstruction mammaplasty for breast carcinoma.
Dale PS, Wardlaw JC, Wootton DG, Resnick JI, Giuliano AE.
Ann Plast Surg. 1995;35(5):515-8.
Careful follow-up consisting of yearly physical and mammagraphic examinations may facilitate early diagnosis and treatment of locally aggressive desmoid tumors but is not warranted, except in the context of routine screening for breast carcinoma.
Desmoid tumor occurring after reconstruction mammaplasty for breast carcinoma.
Dale PS, Wardlaw JC, Wootton DG, Resnick JI, Giuliano AE.
Ann Plast Surg. 1995;35(5):515-8.
Desmoid tumor occurring after reconstruction mammaplasty for breast carcinoma.