Desmoid tumor

A desmoid tumor (DT) is a benign, locally invasive soft tissue tumor associated with a high recurrence rate but with no metastatic potential.

Ureteral obstruction

Obstruction of the flow of urine through the ureter.

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(per page)
MALE Adult
Bilateral ureteral compression by multiple abdominal desmoid tumors in Gardner syndrome: case report and literature review.
Porru D, Stancati S, Giliberto GL, Gerardini M, Corinti M, Dionigi P, Rovereto B.
Urology. 2004;64(5):1031.
Bilateral ureteral obstruction due to abdominal desmoid tumors can be a rare urologic complication of Gardner syndrome.
Desmoid tumor-ureteral fistula in Gardner's syndrome.
Richard HM 3rd, Thall EH, Mitty H, Gribetz ME, Gelernt I.
Urology. 1997;49(1):135-8.
We describe two cases of ureteral obstruction and fistulization due to rapidly enlarging desmoid tumors.
MALE Adult
[Desmoid tumor of the mesentery. An uncommon cause of ureteral obstruction].
Corbel L, Souissi M, Chretien Y, Dufour B.
J Radiol. 1992;73(12):669-72.
The authors report an unusual case, in a 26 year old man, of a desmoid tumor invading ileon, right colon, appendix and the right ureter and responsible of a ureteral obstruction.
MALE Adult
[Desmoid tumor of the mesentery. An uncommon cause of ureteral obstruction].
Corbel L, Souissi M, Chretien Y, Dufour B.
J Urol (Paris). 1991;97(7-8):337-40.
The authors report an unusual case, in a 26 year old man, of a desmoid tumor invading ileon, right colon, appendix and the right ureter and responsible of a ureteral obstruction.
The treatment of ureteral obstruction in Gardner's syndrome: renal autotransplantation.
Lattimer JK, Birkhoff J, Olsson CA.
J Urol. 1987;138(1):133-5.
We report a case of successful renal autotransplantation for the treatment of ureteral obstruction owing to retroperitoneal desmoid tumors in Gardner's syndrome.