Desmoid tumor

A desmoid tumor (DT) is a benign, locally invasive soft tissue tumor associated with a high recurrence rate but with no metastatic potential.


Osteopoikilosis is a benign, asymptomatic sclerotic dysplasia of the bones. It affects both male and female and may be seen at any age. Radiographically sclerotic circular or ovoid lesions are usually symmetrically distributed in a periarticular location. Lesions can increase or decrease in size and number in serial radiographs or even disappear and do not have increased bone radiotracer uptake.

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FEMALE Middle Aged
Melorheostosis mimicking synovial osteochondromatosis.
Wadhwa V, Chhabra A, Samet JD.
Ann Saudi Med. 2014;34(6):547-50.
It has been associated with many entities such as osteopoikilosis, soft tissue vascular malformations, bone and soft tissue tumors, nephrotic syndrome, segmental limb contractures, osteosarcoma, desmoid tumor, and mesenteric fibromatosis.