Wilson disease

Wilson disease is a very rare inherited multisystemic disease presenting non-specific neurological, hepatic, psychiatric or osseo-muscular manifestations due to excessive copper deposition in the body.


An unintentional, oscillating to-and-fro muscle movement about a joint axis.

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FEMALE Middle Aged
Liver Transplant Can Resolve Severe Neuropsychiatric Manifestations of Wilson Disease: A Case Report.
Walker G, Hussaini T, Stowe R, Cresswell S, Yoshida EM.
Exp Clin Transplant. 2018;16(5):620-624.
The patient had severe neurologic manifestations of Wilson disease pretransplant, including dysarthria, hyperreflexia, asymmetrical ataxia, tremor, bradyphrenia, and shuffling gait.
MALE Adult
Auxiliary Partial Orthotopic Living Liver Transplant for Wilson Disease.
Haberal M, Akdur A, Moray G, Boyacioglu S, Torgay A, Arslan G, Arslan G, Ozdemir BH.
Exp Clin Transplant. 2017;15(Suppl 1):182-184.
The patient, as a result of neurologic symptoms that included tremor walking and speaking problems and low serum ceruloplasmin level of 7 mg/dL, was diagnosed with Wilson disease, and a liver biopsy was performed.
FEMALE Middle Aged
Delayed appearance of wing-beating tremor after liver transplantation in a patient with Wilson disease.
Kim JS, Kim SY, Choi JY, Kim HT, Oh YS.
J Clin Neurosci. 2014;21(8):1460-2.
Delayed appearance of wing-beating tremor after liver transplantation in a patient with Wilson disease.