Congenital ptosis

Congenital ptosis is characterized by superior eyelid drop present at birth.


Accumulation of substantial excess body fat.

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WAGR(O?) syndrome and congenital ptosis caused by an unbalanced t(11;15)(p13;p11.2)dn demonstrating a 7 megabase deletion by FISH.
Lennon PA, Scott DA, Lonsdorf D, Wargowski DS, Kirkpatrick S, Patel A, Cheung SW.
Am J Med Genet A. 2006;140(11):1214-8.
The patient is examined in light of other reported patients with deletions and/or translocations involving the regions between 11p12 --> 11p14 including patients with WAGR + obesity (WAGRO) as well as with other reported patients with aniridia and congenital ptosis.