Congenital ptosis

Congenital ptosis is characterized by superior eyelid drop present at birth.

Hallux valgus

Lateral deviation of the great toe (i.e., in the direction of the little toe).

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Non-haematological traits associated with congenital dyserythropoietic anaemia type 1: a new entity emerging.
Sabry MA, Zaki M, al Awadi SA, al Saleh Q, Mattar MS.
Clin Dysmorphol. 1997;6(3):205-12.
These findings include growth retardation/short stature, congenital ptosis, abnormal tarsal bones, metatarsal duplication/hypoplasia, nail/phalangeal hypoplasia of fingers and toes, Madelung deformity, syndactyly of toes, and hallux valgus.