Refractory anemia

Refractory cytopenias with unilineage dysplasia (RCUD) is a frequent low-risk subtype of myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS; see this term) characterized by refractory cytopenias associated with dysplasia limited to one cell lineage.


Osteomyelitis is an inflammatory process accompanied by bone destruction and caused by an infecting microorganism.

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Association of pyoderma gangrenosum and sterile osteomyelitis in a patient having myelodysplastic syndrome with der(1;7)(q10;q10).
Yoshida C, Kojima H, Ishigaki T, Katsura Y, Kaneko S, Suzukawa K, Hasegawa Y, Kawachi Y, Otsuka F, Nagasawa T.
Eur J Haematol. 2004;72(2):149-53.
We present here a 67-yr-old male having PG and sterile osteomyelitis in association with underlying MDS (refractory anemia) and Crohn's disease.