Acrofrontofacionasal dysostosis

A rare congenital malformation syndrome characterized by the association of facial and skeletal anomalies with severe intellectual deficit and occasional genitourinary anomalies.

患者の 徴候症状 を入力


合計: 1 (症例報告)


対応する徴候・症状  遺伝子  変異  キーワード(MeSH)
Frontonasal dysplasia, macroblepharon, eyelid colobomas, ear anomalies, macrostomia, mental retardation, and CNS structural anomalies. A new syndrome?
Guion-Almeida ML, Richieri-Costa A.
Clin Dysmorphol. 1999;8(1):1-4.
両眼隔離 平坦な人中
ヒト 中枢神経系 幼児 症候群 知的障害 顔面


    合計: 29

HPO ID 徴候・症状 頻度
HP:0000175 口蓋裂 Very frequent (99-80%)
HP:0000218 高口蓋 Very frequent (99-80%)
HP:0000248 短頭 Very frequent (99-80%)
HP:0000316 両眼隔離 Very frequent (99-80%)
HP:0000337 幅広い額 Very frequent (99-80%)
HP:0000455 幅広い鼻尖 Very frequent (99-80%)
HP:0000494 眼瞼裂斜下 Very frequent (99-80%)
HP:0000508 眼瞼下垂 Very frequent (99-80%)
HP:0000625 眼瞼裂 Very frequent (99-80%)
HP:0001053 低色素性皮膚斑 Very frequent (99-80%)
HP:0001088 Brushfield 斑 Very frequent (99-80%)
HP:0001156 短指症候群 Very frequent (99-80%)
HP:0001798 無爪症 Very frequent (99-80%)
HP:0002120 大脳皮質萎縮 Very frequent (99-80%)
HP:0002983 小肢症 Very frequent (99-80%)
HP:0004132 鼻尖の小孔 Very frequent (99-80%)
HP:0004322 低身長 Very frequent (99-80%)
HP:0005930 骨端の異常 Very frequent (99-80%)
HP:0009882 短い指末節骨 Very frequent (99-80%)
HP:0010864 知的障害, 重度 Very frequent (99-80%)
HP:0011304 幅広い母指 Very frequent (99-80%)
HP:0011800 顔面中部後退 Very frequent (99-80%)
HP:0100335 非正中口唇裂 Very frequent (99-80%)
HP:0100490 屈指 Very frequent (99-80%)
HP:0100840 眉毛の無形成/低形成 Very frequent (99-80%)
HP:0000232 下口唇唇紅部外反 Frequent (79-30%)
HP:0000047 尿道下裂 Occasional (29-5%)
HP:0000048 二分陰嚢 Occasional (29-5%)
HP:0000119 泌尿生殖器異常 Occasional (29-5%)


    合計: 0

HPO ID 徴候・症状 症例報告数


    合計: 0

Gene Symbol 遺伝子名 Entrez Gene ID