Weissenbacher- Zweymuller syndrome

Weissenbacher-Zweymuller syndrome (WZS) is characterized by short stature at birth, neonatal micrognathia, cleft palate, rhizomelic chondrodysplasia with 'dumbbell' shaped arm and leg bones, hypertelorism and vertebral coronal clefts.

患者の 徴候症状 を入力


合計: 6 (症例報告)


対応する徴候・症状  遺伝子  変異  キーワード(MeSH)
Significant ophthalmoarthropathy associated with ectodermal dysplasia in a child with Marshall-Stickler overlap: a case report.
Al Kaissi A, Ganger R, Klaushofer K, Grill F.
Cases J. 2008;1(1):270.
舌根沈下 小顎
The Weissenbacher-Zweymuller syndrome of micrognathia and rhizomelic chondrodysplasia at birth with subsequent normal growth.
Haller JO, Berdon WE, Robinow M, Slovis TL, Baker DH, Johnson GF.
Am J Roentgenol Radium Ther Nucl Med. 1975;125(4):936-43.
小顎 ダンベル型大腿骨
rs750006299 rs797044915
Terminology as Topic ヒト ピエール・ロバン症候群 ムコ多糖症VI型 低身長症 増殖 妊娠 小顎症 新生児 鑑別診断 骨軟骨異形成症
The Weissenbacher-Zweymuller syndrome: possible neonatal expression of the Stickler syndrome.
Kelly TE, Wells HH, Tuck KB.
Am J Med Genet. 1982;11(1):113-9.
近視 ダンベル型大腿骨
Terminology as Topic ヒト 中年 優性遺伝子 子供(未就学) 小顎症 成人 新生児 症候群 網膜症 近視
Weissenbacher-Zweymuller syndrome: a distinct autosomal recessive skeletal dysplasia.
Chemke J, Carmi R, Galil A, Bar-Ziv Y, Ben-Ytzhak I, Zurkowski L.
Am J Med Genet. 1992;43(6):989-95.
網膜剥離 骨格異形成 骨幹端拡大
ヒト 低身長症 劣性遺伝子 子供 子供(未就学) 症候群 発達性骨疾患 表現型
Linkage study in a large pedigree with Stickler syndrome: exclusion of COL2A1 as the mutant gene.
Bonaventure J, Philippe C, Plessis G, Vigneron J, Lasselin C, Maroteaux P, Gilgenkrantz S.
Hum Genet. 1992;90(1-2):164-8.
Pierre-Robin シークェンス
ヒト 低身長症 小顎症 幼児 新生児 症候群 網膜剥離 緑内障 近視 顔面
Identical twins with Weissenbacher-Zweymuller syndrome and neural tube defect.
Ramer JC, Eggli K, Rogan PK, Ladda RL.
Am J Med Genet. 1993;45(5):614-8.
近視 骨格異形成
ヒト 双子疾患 子供(未就学) 症候群 神経管閉鎖不全 表現型 近視 骨軟骨異形成症


    合計: 21

HPO ID 徴候・症状 頻度
HP:0000162 舌根沈下 Very frequent (99-80%)
HP:0000175 口蓋裂 Very frequent (99-80%)
HP:0000277 下顎の異常 Very frequent (99-80%)
HP:0000316 両眼隔離 Very frequent (99-80%)
HP:0000347 小顎 Very frequent (99-80%)
HP:0000405 伝音難聴 Very frequent (99-80%)
HP:0000520 眼球突出 Very frequent (99-80%)
HP:0000545 近視 Very frequent (99-80%)
HP:0000750 発語および言語発達遅延 Very frequent (99-80%)
HP:0000752 多動 Very frequent (99-80%)
HP:0001252 筋緊張低下 Very frequent (99-80%)
HP:0002194 粗大運動発達遅延 Very frequent (99-80%)
HP:0003016 骨幹端拡大 Very frequent (99-80%)
HP:0003097 短い大腿骨 Very frequent (99-80%)
HP:0003417 冠状脊椎裂 Very frequent (99-80%)
HP:0005280 落ちくぼんだ鼻梁 Very frequent (99-80%)
HP:0007018 注意力欠陥多動性疾患 Very frequent (99-80%)
HP:0008587 軽度の感音難聴 Very frequent (99-80%)
HP:0008905 四肢近位短縮 Very frequent (99-80%)
HP:0008936 体幹の筋緊張低下 Very frequent (99-80%)
HP:0011819 粘膜下軟口蓋裂 Very frequent (99-80%)


    合計: 4

HPO ID 徴候・症状 症例報告数
HP:0002652 骨格異形成 2
HP:0000347 小顎 1
HP:0000926 扁平脊椎 1
HP:0003016 骨幹端拡大 1


    合計: 2

Gene Symbol 遺伝子名 Entrez Gene ID
COL11A2 collagen type XI alpha 2 chain 1302
COL2A1 collagen type II alpha 1 chain 1280