Agnathia-holoprosencephaly-situs inversus syndrome

An extremely rare and fatal association syndrome, characterized by absence of the mandible, cerebral malformations with facial anomalies related to a defect in cleavage in the embryonic brain (e.g. synophthalmia, malformed and low-set ears fused in midline (otocephaly), agenesis of the olfactory bulbs, microstomia, hypoglossia/aglossia) and situs inversus partialis or totalis.

患者の 徴候症状 を入力


合計: 0 (症例報告)


対応する徴候・症状  遺伝子  変異  キーワード(MeSH)


    合計: 19

HPO ID 徴候・症状 頻度
HP:0000160 狭い口 Very frequent (99-80%)
HP:0000171 小舌 Very frequent (99-80%)
HP:0000368 低位の後方回転した耳介 Very frequent (99-80%)
HP:0000478 眼の異常 Very frequent (99-80%)
HP:0001274 脳梁無発生 Very frequent (99-80%)
HP:0001291 脳神経の異常 Very frequent (99-80%)
HP:0001360 全前脳胞症 Very frequent (99-80%)
HP:0001561 羊水過多 Very frequent (99-80%)
HP:0001696 全内臓逆位 Very frequent (99-80%)
HP:0002098 呼吸窮迫 Very frequent (99-80%)
HP:0007360 小脳無形成/低形成 Very frequent (99-80%)
HP:0008736 陰茎低形成 Very frequent (99-80%)
HP:0009914 単眼 Very frequent (99-80%)
HP:0009924 鼻の無形成/低形成 Very frequent (99-80%)
HP:0009939 下顎無形成 Very frequent (99-80%)
HP:0011386 狭い内耳道 Very frequent (99-80%)
HP:0100596 鼻孔欠損 Very frequent (99-80%)
HP:0100663 癒合耳 Very frequent (99-80%)
HP:0100840 眉毛の無形成/低形成 Very frequent (99-80%)


    合計: 0

HPO ID 徴候・症状 症例報告数


    合計: 2

Gene Symbol 遺伝子名 Entrez Gene ID
OTX2 orthodenticle homeobox 2 5015
PRRX1 paired related homeobox 1 5396