congenital isolated adrenocorticotropic hormone deficiency (disease) に関連する症例報告

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発行年 タイトル 雑誌名 J-STAGE
2017 Isolated Adrenocorticotropic Hormone Deficiency Following Chronic Subdural Hematoma in an Elderly Man: Is There a Connection? Internal Medicine (Web)
2017 Petrified Ear Auricles with Isolated Adrenocorticotropic Hormone Deficiency Internal Medicine (Web)
2017 ニボルマブによる治療後にACTH欠損による二次性副腎皮質機能低下症を発症した1症例 肺癌(Web)
2017 Hyponatremia can be a powerful predictor of the development of isolated ACTH deficiency associated with nivolumab treatment [Letter to the Editor] Endocrine Journal
2017 Isolated Adrenocorticotropic Hormone Deficiency Caused by Nivolumab in a Patient with Metastatic Lung Cancer Internal Medicine (Web)
2016 うつ病が疑われ心療内科に紹介された下垂体性副腎皮質機能低下症3例の特徴 心身医学
2016 NST回診にて判明した ACTH単独欠損症の一例 日本静脈経腸栄養学会雑誌
2016 Treatable Bedridden Elderly -Recovery from Flexion Contracture after Cortisol Replacement in a Patient with Isolated Adrenocorticotropic Hormone Deficiency Internal Medicine (Web)
2015 A Pitfall in the Differential Diagnosis of Hyponatremia Gen Med
2015 易疲労感・食欲不振などの症状からうつ病を疑われて紹介となったACTH単独欠損症の1例 心身医学
2014 Clinical Manifestation of Hypercalcemia Caused by Adrenal Insufficiency in Hemodialysis Patients: A Case-series Study Intern Med (Web)
2014 Long QT Syndrome Associated with Adrenal Insufficiency in a Patient with Isolated Adrenocorticotropic Hormone Deficiency Intern Med (Web)
2013 低血糖による意識障害で発見されたACTH単独欠損症の1例 順天堂醫事雑誌
2012 Isolated Adrenocorticotropic Hormone Deficiency Associated With Hashimoto's Disease and Thyroid Crisis Triggered by Head Trauma Neurol Med Chir
2012 Isolated ACTH Deficiency Presenting with a Glucocorticoid-Responsive Triphasic Wave Coma Intern Med (Web)
2010 重度の嚥下障害を認めたACTH単独欠損症の1症例 Jpn J Rehabil Med
2010 弁膜症術後に ACTH 単独欠損症が判明した1症例 日本心臓血管外科学会雑誌
2009 Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Accompanied by Isolated Adrenocorticotropic Hormone Deficiency and Gastric Cancer Intern Med (Web)
2009 Secondary Adrenal Insufficiency and Primary Antiphospholipid Syndrome Intern Med (Web)
2008 原発性胆汁性肝硬変にACTH単独欠損症を合併した1例 肝臓