Photosensitive epilepsy

Generalized non-motor (absence) seizure

Absence seizures present with a sudden cessation of activity and awareness. Absence seizures tend to occur in younger age groups, have more sudden start and termination, and they usually display less complex automatisms than do focal seizures with impaired awareness, but the distinctions are not absolute.

合計: 2


Language-apparent reflex epilepsy.
Jacome DE.
Clin Electroencephalogr. 1991;22(3):172-7.
An adolescent with photosensitive epilepsy had absence seizures reproduced by forced voluntary eye closure in light or in darkness, independent of eyelid immobilization or ocular elevation.
Seizure generation mechanisms in reflex epilepsy.
Matsuoka H.
Jpn J Psychiatry Neurol. 1990;44(2):317-20.
The EEG discharges of absence seizure in photosensitive epilepsy started mainly from the posterior regions, which became evident by the reduction of stimulus intensity.