Waardenburg syndrome

Waardenburg syndrome (WS) is a disorder characterized by varying degrees of deafness and minor defects in structures arising from neural crest, including pigmentation anomalies of eyes, hair, and skin. WS is classified into four clinical and genetic phenotypes.


Reduced visual acuity that is uncorrectable by lenses in the absence of detectable anatomic defects in the eye or visual pathways.

合計: 2


MALE Child
Anisometropic amblyopia in a case of type 2 Waardenburg syndrome.
Akal A, Goncu T, Boyaci N, Ylmaz OF.
BMJ Case Rep. 2013;2013:.
Anisometropic amblyopia in a case of type 2 Waardenburg syndrome.
MALE Child
Anisometropic amblyopia in a case of type 2 Waardenburg syndrome.
Akal A, Goncu T, Boyaci N, Ylmaz OF.
BMJ Case Rep. 2013;2013:.
This study presents a case of an 8-year-old boy with iris heterochromia and anisometropic amblyopia who was diagnosed with Waardenburg syndrome (WS) type 2.