Paroxysmal extreme pain disorder

A rare, genetic, neurological disorder characterized by severe episodic perirectal pain accompanied by skin flushing that is typically precipitated by defecation. Ocular and submaxillary pain, associated with triggers including cold or other irritants, may become more prominent with age.


Recurrent episodes of redness, burning pain, and warmth of the extremities following exposure to heat or exercise with symptoms predominantly involving the feet.

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Chronic non-paroxysmal neuropathic pain - Novel phenotype of mutation in the sodium channel SCN9A gene.
Dabby R, Sadeh M, Gilad R, Lampl Y, Cohen S, Inbar S, Leshinsky-Silver E.
J Neurol Sci. 2011;301(1-2):90-2.
Gain-of-function mutations in the SCN9A gene (encoding to NaV1.7 voltage-gated sodium channel) cause two rare paroxysmal pain disorders: inherited erythromelalgia (IEM) and paroxysmal extreme pain disorder (PEDP).