Refractory anemia

Refractory cytopenias with unilineage dysplasia (RCUD) is a frequent low-risk subtype of myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS; see this term) characterized by refractory cytopenias associated with dysplasia limited to one cell lineage.


Excessive sensitivity to light with the sensation of discomfort or pain in the eyes due to exposure to bright light.

合計: 1


Thiamine responsive megaloblastic anemia syndrome: a novel homozygous SLC19A2 gene mutation identified.
Mikstiene V, Songailiene J, Byckova J, Rutkauskiene G, Jasinskiene E, Verkauskiene R, Lesinskas E, Utkus A.
Am J Med Genet A. 2015;167(7):1605-9.
The patient had insulin dependent diabetes (onset 11 months), respiratory illness (onset 11 months), bilateral profound hearing loss (onset at 7 months, verified at 20 months), refractory anemia (onset 2 years), and decreased vision acuity and photophobia (onset 2.5 years).