
We are grateful to the many original sources of our data to enable PubCaseFinder to integrate them in this manner.

Source Ingest Date Ingested Data License
BodyParts3D/Anatomography 2022 3D polygon data used on the BodyParts3D License URL
GenCC 2021-05-13 Desease-Gene associations for OMIM and Orphanet diseases License URL
GeneReviews 2021-03-01 Relationships between OMIM and GeneReviews License URL
Human Phenotype Ontology 2021-02-08 English and Japanese terms of phenotypic abnormalities encountered in human disease, Desease-Phenotype associations for OMIM and Orphanet diseases (Re)usable Data Project
J-GLOBAL 2021 Bibliographic information of case reports in J-GLOBAL -
J-STAGE 2021 Bibliographic information of case reports in J-STAGE -
MedGen 2021-02-24 Mode of inheritances for OMIM diseases, Desease-Gene associations for OMIM diseases License URL
Monarch Disease Ontology 2021-03-03 English terms of rare and genetic diseases (Re)usable Data Project
Nanbyo Disease Ontology 2022-02-20 Japanese terms of rare and genetic diseases License URL
Orphanet 2021-03-01 Desease-Gene associations for Orphanet diseases (Re)usable Data Project
PubMed 2021 Bibliographic information of case reports in PubMed License URL